METRAMAT program will pave the way to widespread manufacturing and application of metamaterials in European industry

November 14, 2023

TU/e researcher Varvara Kouznetsova coordinates European funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie program that’s now hiring for 10 PhD positions in metamaterial development.

The European manufacturing industry, crucial for economic competitiveness, faces challenges pushing the limits of traditional materials, particularly in high-tech sectors like lithography and micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), where the limits of conventional materials come into sight. Metamaterials, built up from rationally, pre-designed architected substructures, hold the promise to outperform conventional materials and redefine the boundaries of industrial design practices, which can drive the much-needed transformational changes in European manufacturing industry. To help address this issue, the METRAMAT program has received MSCA funding and there’s an open call for 10 PhD positions.

The problem is that metamaterials, although a potential solution to enforce the required breakthrough leading to the European industry transition, are not yet widely available, because their design, manufacturing and reliability are not fully understood and predictable. The wide-spread use of metamaterials is hindered by the lack of knowledge of (i) design for-production principles for metamaterials, (ii) integration at component and system level and (iii) design-for-reliability of metamaterials. The main challenge is to train researchers to become skilled in metamaterial development by researching and creating a combined set of design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, reliability assessment and integration tools.



Knowledge of metamaterials

The METRAMAT program aims to train 10 researchers in metamaterial development by researching and creating a combined set of design, simulation, manufacturing, testing, reliability assessment and integration tools. The involvement of MEMS, lithography and additive manufacturing industries ensures that the scientific training is tuned to existing industrial challenges requiring new fundamental solutions, such as positioning accuracy, sensor sensitivity or shielding of external vibrational disturbances, with emphasis on design for manufacturability and reliability. Together with the transferable skills training, secondments and networking opportunities, this program will provide the doctoral candidates a strong basis for a successful career in either industry or academia. The new scientific insights, engineering tools and educational programs to be developed within METRAMAT will pave the way to wide-spread manufacturing and application of metamaterials in European industry, elevating it to the next level.

Photo: Varvara Kouznetsova

Open call for positions

Applications are invited for 10 PhD positions (Doctoral Candidates). The positions require some time at both our academic partner organizations KU Leuven (BE), NTNU (NO), Politecnico di Milano (IT), and at our industrial partners during planned secondments. More information on the METRAMAT program and the METRAMAT DC positions can be found on the METRAMAT website: Details of the TU/e application process can be found hereThe deadline for online application is January 7th, 2024. For specific questions, please contact Varvara Kouznetsova, Associate Professor in Multi-scale Mechanics of Solids, or +31 40 247 5885

Media Contact

Ayoub van Munster
(Communications Advisor ME/EE)