Relive our academic celebration of the year here

Looking back on MomenTUm 2023

September 29, 2023

On September 28 and 29, we celebrated the academic ceremony of the year with all of our bachelor’s graduates and the best teachers of 2023.

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The moment of MomenTUm is of course the throwing of the caps into the air. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke

What a stunning celebration it was during MomenTUm 2023. Rector Silvia Lenaerts led the official part of the ceremonies for the first time and presented the awards for the Best Teachers, the Academic Awards, and the Marina van Damme Grant. A full and varied program makes MomenTUm the most terrific party of the year and a cherished memory for all of our graduates of the 2022-2023 academic year.

Feel and relive MomenTUm 2023 with the one and only aftermovie.

Looking back and enjoying the Photos.

Now MomenTUm is over, we can sit back and relive all the great moments with the photographs.

All photo's in the carrousel below are credited to: Bart van Overbeeke, Levi Baruch and/or Piotr Kemna

MomenTUm opened with a fantastic party on Thursday evening. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke

Festive beginning

MomenTUm opens with a spectacular Thursday night party outside the MetaForum. The artists quickly get the atmosphere going. The lineup is impressive, featuring Lefgozers, Het Feestteam, The Mystery Beats, The Night Flight, and finally DJ Outsiders. The food trucks and drinks at the bar are also thoroughly enjoyed one last time by the graduates and their friends.

Rector Silvia Lenaerts led the official part of the ceremonies for the first time. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke

Ceremonies and family

In both the morning and afternoon ceremonies, there is time and space for the official portion in which the students finally get to receive their diplomas. The Walk of Fame is also a moment with a slight lump in the throat for the more than 1,400 brand-new bachelors. The families and friends who have come along can only look on with pride.

Silvia Lenaerts, our rector magnificus, urges students to live, above all, with courage. “Everyone will fail at something sooner or later. That’s part of the game. Remember that failure can also be a learning opportunity and teaches you to be flexible. Flexible in the goals that you set for yourself, in how you solve problems, in the actions that you take, and in being kind to yourself. And that flexibility is what can truly take you far.”

Florent Gauvin and Silvia Lenaerts. Photo: Bart van Overbeeke

Best Bachelor Teacher 2023 – morning ceremony

The award for Best Bachelor Teacher 2023 goes to Florent Gauvin of the Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences bachelor’s program. He receives the award because his course manages to captivate both students with a preference for the technical side of the built environment and those with a passion for design and architecture.

With his practical assignments, he puts students to work on creating something that is not only beautiful but actually works in practice. Furthermore, his course introduces students to the many aspects of architecture, urbanism, and building sciences and helps them to make a choice regarding which part they want to focus on. His genuine interest in the students and his request for feedback in his classes enable him to consistently engage students!

Karel van Donselaar. Photo: Levi Baruch

Best Master Teacher 2023 – afternoon ceremony

As for the master’s programs, the 2023 award for Best Master Teacher goes to Karel van Donselaar of Industrial Engineering. He has been chosen by the jury because of his clear, motivational manner of imparting knowledge. He is enormously friendly, always energetic, and very patient, especially when he helps students to solve problems themselves. 

In addition, he uses videos to explain difficult areas concisely and clearly. Videos of students from the previous year also contribute to understanding. He likes to connect theory with practice, uses many cases in his courses, and facilitates guest lecturers from companies.

He is always open to discussions and to answering questions, even before or after lectures. In doing so, he creates an atmosphere in which students feel comfortable asking questions and going deeper into different topics.

From left to right: Renate Debets, Jorn van Kampen en Rowin Bol. Photo: private collection/ Angeline Swinkels / private collection

Academic Awards

In between the two ceremonies with graduating students, there is time for the presentation of our Academic Awards. Each year, a maximum of one graduate per program is nominated by the dean of the program. So, the nominees are already the best graduates of their program for the 2022-2023 academic year! Rector Silvia Lenaerts therefore started by presenting a certificate to all of the nominees.

The winners of the best thesis were chosen by an independent expert jury, whereas everyone was allowed to vote for the public award on the TU/e campus until September 27. The winning Bachelor is Renate Debets (Electrical Engineering) and the winning Master in Science is Jorn van Kampen (Automotive Technology).

This year's Audience Award went to Rowin Bol, a brand new MSc from the faculty of Built Environment. He was the only candidate to receive more than 500 of the 3606 votes cast. That the competition for Audience Awards was also very fierce this year, was clear from the fact that the very last valid vote came in at 11:23 p.m. on September 27th.

An exhibition of all nominees will be on display at TU/e next to the pond at Atlas until October 6 and at The Strip on the High Tech Campus from October 7 to October 16.

Marina van Damme, Elies Koot and Silvia Lenaerts. Photo: Igor Roelofsen

Marina van Damme Grant

The recipient of the Marina van Damme Grant is also announced following the Academic Awards. This year’s grant goes to Elies Koot, a young real estate developer and TU/e alumna. She will use the grant to train as a commissioner at Erasmus University in order to make her dream come true: to become a young female commissioner of a housing association.

This will allow her to fulfill her ambition of representing a young generation at the board tables and having an impact on sustainable housing.

ir. Mirthe van den Velde D
(Science Information Officer)
bc. Isa Sardjoe PhD
(Science Information Officer)

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