Get ready to unleash your potential and make your mark on the world

Welcome to Eindhoven University of Technology

We are delighted to have you join our vibrant community of learners, innovators, and problem solvers. Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is more than a research and educational institution; it is a community that embraces personal growth, fosters openness, nurtures engagement, and ignites inquisitiveness. We are excited to embark on this journey together, where you will grow, learn, and make lifelong connections.

Let the preboarding begin!

This page contains practical and interesting information leading up to your first day of work at TU/e. With openness as one of our core values, we have to admit: we are working hard to streamline our onboarding process.

Let's start with the emails you will receive before you start at TU/e. These emails contain two actions you need to take:

  • Provide your personal information and upload some documents for administration.
  • Upload a photo for your campus card.
  • Employment Contract

    After accepting your job offer, HR Services will ask you to fill in personal details and upload some documents that we need for administration. Then they can offer your employment contract digitally. Finalizing your contract may take some time because of the necessary formalities. Rest assured that the job offer you received is legally binding!

  • TU/e Account

    You will receive an email from TU/e Identity Manager informing you that your account has been created. In this email, you will find instructions for logging into your account, which will be activated on your first day of work. TU/e uses Multifactor Authentication to protect its data adequately.

  • Campus Card

    The campus card is an important part of your life at TU/e. Although the departments are freely accessible through a network of walkways between buildings, you need the card for such things as access to labs or other restricted areas. And, not unimportantly, you need your campus card for the coffee machines. You will receive an e-mail asking you to upload a photo for your campus card. Maybe it's a little strange that this email comes from However, they manage the first place you need a campus card for when you come to the university by car. The barriers at the campus entrances!

  • Laptop

    Our IT department notifies your department secretariat that your laptop is ready for use. After that, the secretariat can communicate this to you, along with the information on (how to make) an appointment to pick up your laptop at the desk in Metaforum.

At TU/e, our diverse community of staff and students fosters trust, shared ambitions, and a strong sense of connection. We create an open, healthy, and caring atmosphere that brings out our best. Everyone is welcome, irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or cultural background. Our vibrant and active community is brimming with events and activities. Being personal, passionate, curious, and connected is crucial for sparking innovation within our community. That's why I encourage you to play an active part and be actively involved in our community. Welcome!

Robert-Jan Smits - Chairman to the Board

Get to know your future employer

Eindhoven University of Technology is a young university, founded in 1956 by industry, local government and academia. Today, their spirit of collaboration is still at the heart of the university community. We foster an open culture where everyone feels free to exchange ideas and take initiatives.

We are innovative, open-minded, and at the heart of society. We are a university where special things happen. Things that can make the world better, for you, me, and future generations.

Can't wait to get started? Watch the video and follow the link below and get to know your future employer. 

A first time for everything

What can you expect on your very first day at TU/e? Your first week? Your first month(s)?

Of course, this process won't be exactly the same for every employee. Still, we think it's important to give you an idea of what to expect. 

Your onboaring continues on out intranet, which will be available from your first day of work. TU/e uses Multifactor Authentication to protect its data adequately. Please watch the video in the link below for more information on how to install Microsoft Authenticator app. 

  • First day

    You will receive information about your very first working day at TU/e in your personal email. Where exactly are you expected? And who will pick you up there? A coworker or an assigned buddy will take you to your new workplace and introduce you to (some of) your new colleagues.

  • Laptop

    On your first day, you can pick up your laptop at the front desk in MetaForum. For this you need an appointment. In most cases, this appointment has already been scheduled for you. If necessary, ask the secretariat of your department or service for help.

  • First meetings

    You may have already received a program of introductions at your personal email address. Or you will find meeting requests in your new TU/e inbox. Discuss with your manager, buddy, or coworker about which colleagues are useful to meet with. Are you missing any introductions? If so, don't hesitate to ask the secretariat to help you schedule additional meetings.

  • Team Lunch

    During a team lunch, you will have the opportunity to interact with your coworkers in a pleasant and more informal manner. Sometimes, a joint lunch will be planned. Or you will get an informal invitation from a team member to have lunch with a few of your new colleagues.

  • Invitation to Introduction Event(s)

    About once a month we send all new employees an email inviting them to a Welcome@TU/e Day. PhD students and EngD trainees can count on an additional Graduate School Kick-off. Please find more information in the section below.

  • Meeting with HR Services

    In this meeting, an HR colleague from your department or service explains what you can expect from HRM. Together you will go through the most important conditions of employment and staff regulations at TU/e. For example, how do you use TU/e InSite? What do you do in case of illness or leave? Or in case of an emergency?

Introduction Events

To help you feel welcome and at home on our TU/e campus, we warmly invite all new employees for a general TU/e introduction. PhD candidates and EngD trainees are valued members of our staff. 

Welcome@TU/e Day
About once a month we send all new employees an email inviting them to a Welcome@TU/e Day. Your partner is welcome too! Besides practical information, you can expect an interesting campus tour and many opportunities to start building your TU/e network.

Graduate School Kick-Off Event
In addition, the Graduate School offers Kick-Off Events for new PhD candidates and EngD trainees. Get welcomed by the Dean of the Graduate School and meet peers from all over the world. You will also receive initial tools that will help and support your further development during your program at our university.