EAISI research lab

Digital Twin Lab

Rapid progress in digitalization and artificial intelligence is providing numerous opportunities for human-interaction research at TU/e. Connecting the real world to the digital world using Digital Twins is facilitated by an increasing availability of sensor information, which allows new applications in many different areas to be explored. Examples of projects currently being pursued are described below. 

EAISI, as the linking pin between TU/e departments and industry in AI, has recently started a Digital Twin lab to support experiments in this area, in its three application areas of high-tech systems, health and mobility. The goal of the lab is to bring researchers together, to share experiences, reduce the cost of setting up experimental environments and to address the important societal issues. 

This typically involves modelling real-world situations and creating data interfaces between the real context and model. The Digital Twin lab will provide tools such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to allow deeper interaction with the virtual models. 

If you are interested in knowing more about the lab or see ways you would like to contribute,  contact us.

digital twin

Integration of Data-drIven and model-based enGIneering in fuTure industriAL Technology With value chaIn optimization

Nathan van de Wouw (ME), Mark van den Brand (M&CS), Loek Cleophas (M&CS)

A TTW Perspectief project to develop a smart and flexible value chain of high-tech systems and materials by the integration of data-driven learning approaches and model-based engineering methods.

TU/e campus Digital Twin for smart building management and control

Pieter Pauwels (BE), Elena Torta (ME), Gamze Dane (BE), Sonja Rijlaarsdam (RE), Thijs Meulen (RE), and Annemieke Pelt (ME)

  • Build a Digital Twin system for the Atlas and Gemini buildings (Zero Emission Lab, Gemini building)
  • Smart management of facilities through on-site anomaly detection and device monitoring
  • Unsupervised robot navigation through semantic (model-driven) path detection and real-time data analysis (data-driven)
  • Developing a 3D campus information system for digital accessibility of campus facilities and services in buildings and open spaces

Integrated Master Planning and Control (IMPACT)

Jeroen Didden, Ivo Adan, Vinh Dang (all IE&IS)

This project is part of a use case from the Digital Factory of the Future initiative of Brainport Industries. It aims to develop an autonomous scheduling system, based on a Digital Twin of the factory floor, to control real-time production and simultaneously enable predictive capabilities to aid higher level planning.

Digital Twin projects

Bert van Beek (ME)

ICT tools to support time and place independent learning in group projects

Providing students virtual access to workstations for modelling pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic systems (including automatic grading and plagiarism checks)

Theo Arentze and Pieter van Wesemael (BE)

City of Eindhoven Digital Twin

Build a Digital Twin for the city for smart mobility, planning, and decision support

Ion Barosan (M&CS) and Igo Besselink (ME)

Modelling trucks arriving at a distribution center for efficient arrival and unloading

Planning the routing for automated dollies to bring trailers to the correct loading dock

Digital twin of a medical imaging catheter

Olaf van der Sluis (ME)

This concerns the NL use case within the EU project UPSIM and aims to develop high-fidelity physics-based digital twins of medical imaging catheters that describe the interaction with surrounding human tissue for device navigation during medical procedures.

Digital twin of a front-end semiconductor factory to improve WIP control

Ivo Adan, Patrick Deenen and Alp Akcay (all IE&IS)

Production control is a challenging task in a semiconductor wafer fabrication facility (fab) and can be characterized as a complex job shop. The amount of unfinished products which are in production - referred to as work-in-progress (WIP) - in different areas of the fab can fluctuate greatly over time, causing an unwanted variability on the production lead-times. Dispatching and scheduling decisions, i.e. deciding in what sequence lots from the queue are produced, influence how the WIP flows through the fab and is  therefore called WIP control.

The ambition of this project is to develop a proof-of-concept for a new WIP control system for the front-end wafer fabs of Nexperia which (1) stabilizes the lead-times and (2) maximizes the throughput.

To test this new control system in a virtual environment, a digital twin is developed. This digital twin is a discrete-event simulation model which mimics the behavior of the full fab and can be used to analyze future behavior.

Digital twin of sustained ventricular tachycardias (VT) for clinical decision support

Frans van de Vosse (BME), Lukas Dekker (BME), Peter Bovendeerd (BME), Clemens Verhoosel (ME), Olaf van der Sluis (ME)
HTSM project to develop patient-specific coupled electro-physiological and electro-mechanical computational models to improve outcomes of VT ablations
