Engineering Health

Achieving impact

The research area Health covers many different areas; from cancer research to regenerative medicine and from biosensors to data science and robotics.


Focus areas

Health at TU/e covers 7 focus areas: Bio-molecular Sensing, Data Science in Health, Healthy Daily Living, Medical Imaging and Monitoring, Monitor - Diagnose and Present, Regenerative Medicine and Robotics.


Engineering solutions that will impact people's health

TU/e contributes to the progress of technical sciences and the development of technological innovations. Its research plays a significant role in the international scientific community.

Our society faces numerous challenges in the field of healthcare. These include an ageing population, a growing number of people with lifestyle related diseases like obesity and diabetes and other chronic diseases, as well as rapidly rising staff shortages. These challenges require new products and services in the healthcare industry and technology can play a crucial role in addressing those challenges.

That is why Health has been a key focus at TU/e for many years. In fact, TU/e was the first Dutch university to offer a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, and Health is now one of TU/e’s research areas, positioning the university as a leader in this field. Technology with a human face.

Meet our team

Our student teams

Humans and AI in Healthcare

A future with artificial intelligence in healthcare: a lot of questions, expectations, and doomsday scenarios often arise quickly. With the new three-part (Dutch-spoken) documentary series "Mens & AI in de zorg", the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport wants to pay attention to all these questions.
Each episode addresses questions about an #AI-infused healthcare. Journalist and AI advisor Wouter van der Bij visit experts and looks for answers. 
For more information, check

Watch the videos (in Dutch).

Top sector Life Sciences & Health

Top Sector Life Sciences & Health initiates and stimulates interdisciplinary R&D in public private partnerships. By attracting funding, sharing best practices, the connective role and communicating as one voice, the Top Sector wants to boost the vibrant and productive sector. Carmen van Vilsteren was appointed standard-bearer of this Top Sector on April 1st 2019.

Meet our partners

Making healthcare more efficient, so that it contributes to a better quality of life, requires new products and services. That is why TU/e is developing new technologies to make care more patient-oriented. TU/e collaborates with a wide variety of industrial and medical partners to help achieve this goal.


These research projects are turned into successful companies.

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