Associate Professor

Pieter Van Gorp

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
Applied Physics and Science Education
EAISI Health
School of Med. Physics and Eng. Eindhoven


Pieter Van Gorp is an associate professor at the School of Industrial Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He works at the Information Systems lab, with a primary focus on digital health tools. Pieter conducts research on personal health data as an economic asset. He considers health records as well as evidence-based workflow and decision support models as examples of this asset with underused economic potential.

In the area of health records, he has performed research on MyPHRMachines, a platform for securely analyzing Personal Health Records in the cloud. In the area of workflow models, he has contributed novel transformations for UML, BPMN and Petri-Net models. Van Gorp is also a facilitator of reproducible research (e.g. via the cloud.)

Pieter Van Gorp is promotor/co-promotor of:

- Lorenzo James
- Alireza Khanshan
- Danilo Ferreira de Carvalho

My aim is to put citizens in charge of their personal health data.”


Pieter obtained his PhD degree in Software Engineering from the University of Antwerp, where he also held a postdoc position. In addition to his work as Associate Professor at TU/e, he has also been program manager of the Data Science Center Eindhoven (DSC/e) and the Eindhoven AI Systems Institute (EAISI), with a primary focus on matching TU/e data science research with societal challenges and industrial needs. Pieter has also held a part-time appointment at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences with the aim of supporting societal breakthroughs via connected health games. He also regularly gives talks to ‘non-scientific’ audiences, on topics such as personal health data and gamification. Since 2023, Pieter is the scientific director of the Clinical Informatics EngD program at TU/e.

Current Educational Activities

Ancillary Activities

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