
The interconnectivity and pervasiveness of computers and embedded systems is not only determining new functionalities, but is also opening the way to increasingly sophisticated attacks. In recent years the field of security has become a key focus of computer science research around the globe. The mission of the Security group (SEC), which is part of EPSI, the Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Systems and Information, is to realize a more secure and privacy-preserving digital infrastructure. We believe this goal can only be achieved by investigating the overall cybersecurity problem, tackling the engineering, deployment, management, and maintenance perspectives of systems and ICT infrastructures. Our research interests are a reflection of this and span from security deployment and management, to physical security and attack engineering.

The SEC group takes a multi-faceted approach to the full systems security process in order to counter today’s security challenges.

Cybersecurity challenges are innumerable: from advanced and nation-state malware, evolving evasive attack techniques, to the new frontiers of IoT security, access control, and physical security. In reaction to this, SEC’s approach to system security covers offensive and defensive aspects of system security, targeting concrete security problems and addressing the underlying, fundamental issues. SEC’s strength lies in its ability to empirically and theoretically understand the full security process: from attack generation and system management, to policy specification and user aspects.


Student opportunities

Are you a student interested in graduating or doing a project in Security? We are always looking for enthusiastic students for master thesis projects: both internal projects and projects in industry.

For more information, please consult the website for more information on the group and its projects.
