Tijs Donkers

Dynamics and Control for Electrified Automotive Systems

The research covers several aspects of optimization and control for automotive systems.

Research Profile

In particular, the group performs research in the area of vehicle energy management, where distributed optimization and (model predictive) control are used to control the energy flows inside a vehicle with the objective to minimize the overall energy consumption. This leads to a higher fuel economy of a conventional vehicle or a larger driving range of an electric vehicle. Furthermore, the group covers several aspects of modelling and control of batteries, such as optimal charging, cell balancing and state estimation.

Most important projects

  • 3CCar (with Fraunhofer, TNO, etc): Battery State-of-Charge and temperature estimation
  • Everlasting (with VDL, Vito, RWTH, TUM, Siemens LMS, etc): Energy optimization and range prediction for electric vehicles
  • Autodrive (with VDL, Heliox, Julich Research Centre, etc): Ageing aware fast charging of batteries
  • SCALES (with BMW, TNO): Scalable control methods for active cell balancing



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