Siep Weiland

Spatial-Temporal Systems for Control

This research focuses on the modeling of multi-physics dynamic systems.

Research Profile

Siep Weiland is a full-time professor in the Control Systems group of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. His research interest are the general theory of systems and control. More specifically, his expertise lies in the modeling, analysis and control of physical systems as they occur in the high-tech industry. His research focuses on the modeling of multi-physics dynamic systems that evolve both over time as well as space, model approximation of complex systems, complexity analysis, networked or distributed systems, the analysis and control of parameter varying systems, port-Hamiltonian systems and the use of convex optimization for controller synthesis. In recent years he has contributed in many industrial projects where advanced thermal control plays a key role in the improvement and analysis of high-tech systems.

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