
The visualization cluster focuses on the development of new methods and techniques to explore and present large data sets. The focus is on data visualization and visual analytics. We study how to provide insight in large, heterogeneous data sets, such as combinations of multivariate data, high dimensional data, sophisticated imaging data, network data, event data, and geospatial data, all often time varying. We investigate how to incorporate methods from statistics and AI to support human analysis, understanding, and decision making. Visual analytics for AI can provide more effective and efficient model development, and more trust and confidence on AI based decisions.
We develop novel approaches that go from fundamental research to application oriented visual designs. We cooperate with specialists from a variety of application domains, including health care, machine learning, bioinformatics, forensics, and fraud detection; both from academia and industry (e.g., Philips).


Looking for a master project:

The cluster is fomed by three groups:

Visual Analytics led by Prof. Anna Vilanova

Visual Analytics for Data Science led by Fernando Paulovich

Visualization led by Prof. Jack van Wijk

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Developing new methods and techniques to explore and present large data sets

Meet some of our Researchers

Student Opportunities

If you are interested in doing a master project or internship on the topic of visual analytics or visualization, feel free to reach out to one of the visualization cluster members.