Department of Mechanical Engineering

Mechanics of Materials

We aim to develop and innovate the scientific tools to understand, describe, predict and optimize the mechanical response of industrially relevant materials and products.

Substantially increasing predictive power.

The scientific research activities in the Mechanics of Materials group concentrate on the experimental analysis, theoretical understanding and predictive modelling of a range of problems in materials engineering at different length scales, which emerge from the physics and the mechanics of the underlying multi-material microstructure.
The program aims for a substantial increase of the predictive power, thereby optimizing critical, state-of-the-art products and manufacturing processes in direct relation to the complex path-dependent loading history of different materials and their joining interfaces. A systematic and integrated numerical-experimental approach is adopted for this purpose. Within the group’s research scope, the research program entails:

Our groups


Our themes

Multiscale Lab

The Multiscale Lab facilitates research on the deformation and failure behavior of composite materials. The insights gained lead to innovative materials.
