Group of Power & Flow

Group Bastiaans

Group Bastiaans focuses on mechanical engineering, modelling combustion and sustainable energy sources.

Research Profile

The expertise in this group includes fluid mechanics, modeling and simulation, computational fluid dynamics, numerical simulation, numerical modeling, numerical analysis and CFD simulation.

Current research includes the performance of flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) in premixed turbulent cases, measuring burning velocities with the heat flux method and FGM and pre-assumed PDF's In LES of combustion. Upcoming projects will look at complicated diffusion and combustion design.

Meet some of our Researchers

Student opportunities

Are you a student interested in graduating or doing a project in the Power & Flow group? Our research covers a very broad range of subjects. We design, make and test systems for various power and flow applications. In most of our graduation projects we perform experimental, theoretical or numerical studies of the interplay between heat (production) and flow. Students use these studies to either understand the fundamentals of these heat and flow problems or to apply them and find practical solutions on how to operate or optimize the application.
