Group of Power & Flow

Group Deen

"Multiphase and reactive flows are all around us. To make processes and equipment more sustainable we need to get the fundamentals right."

Research Profile

Group Deen focuses largely in the areas of process technology, multiphase reactors, computational fluid dynamics and experimental fluid dynamics.

The research is concerned with the development of computational and experimental techniques for the study of multiphase reactors. This includes multiphase flow modeling of intensified contacting in bubble column reactors and multiphase processes in fluidized beds. Typical applications of this research include the automotive, food and chemical industries. One especially interesting potential application is metal fuels - metallic powders of order 10 µm - that are combusted/regenerated in a closed cycle and as such present a very attractive recyclable zero-carbon fuel option.

Meet some of our Researchers

Student opportunities

Are you a student interested in graduating or doing a project in the Power & Flow group? Our research covers a very broad range of subjects. We design, make and test systems for various power and flow applications. In most of our graduation projects we perform experimental, theoretical or numerical studies of the interplay between heat (production) and flow. Students use these studies to either understand the fundamentals of these heat and flow problems or to apply them and find practical solutions on how to operate or optimize the application.
