Group of Power & Flow

Group Kuerten

"Flow keeps on surprising. The many aspects of turbulent flow make it a topic that remains worthy to study and the many applications will inspire researchers for a long time to come."

Research Profile

Group Kuerten is specialized in numerical simulation methods for single-phase turbulent flow, particle-laden flow and flows with phase transition, scientific computing and models for turbulent and multiphase flow.

The research interests are primarily in the areas of fluid mechanics and numerical mathematics and the main topic of the research is a variety of multiscale problems in two-phase flows, in particular the different scales arising from the combination of turbulence and particles, droplets or bubbles in the flow. Key research topics are: subgrid modelling in LES of particle-laden flow, DNS of particle-laden flows with additional physical phenomena, such as evaporation and condensation of droplets and pyrolysis and combustion of biomass particles, the diffuse interface model for phase-transitional flow and evaporation of sessile droplets on porous and non-porous substrates. Relevant applications can be found in process technology, for instance in particle separation, steam injection, boilers and inkjet printing. He uses various numerical methods with an emphasis on spectral methods and finite volume methods and cooperates closely with experimental research.

Meet some of our Researchers

Student opportunities

Are you a student interested in graduating or doing a project in the Power & Flow group? Our research covers a very broad range of subjects. We design, make and test systems for various power and flow applications. In most of our graduation projects we perform experimental, theoretical or numerical studies of the interplay between heat (production) and flow. Students use these studies to either understand the fundamentals of these heat and flow problems or to apply them and find practical solutions on how to operate or optimize the application.

Research projects

Kuerten is currently working on the following project:
