Transport in Permeable Media

It is our goal to understand the physics of transport and phase changes in complex permeable media, so we can better engineer materials for a sustainable society, i.e., materials for energy storage and technological porous materials.

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We focus on the basic, fundamental questions that need to be answered to achieve a breakthrough

What is the value of research if not to make things better? At the Transport in Permeable Media (TPM) group, it is in our DNA to take inspiration for our activities from societal issues and applications. From this starting point, we focus on the basic, fundamental physics questions that need to be answered to achieve a breakthrough in application. For instance, energy storage can be achieved with crystalline materials that incorporate water into their crystal lattice. More sustainable permeable materials, as used for example in the steel and construction industry, can be made through a better understanding of aggressive phase changes such as boiling and crystallization in submicron pores. This is what we call basic use-inspired research.

Following from our focus on basic use-inspired research, the group fosters long-term cooperation with TNO, DSM, Océ, Caldic, NXP and Philips.


Work with us!

Please check out the TU/e Vacancies page for further opportunities within our group. 



Meet some of our Researchers



The boost in research activities in the past 5 years is essentially due to the unique opportunities of our MRI infrastructure. As the group has the know-how to develop dedicated NMR equipment, fitted to a particular research question, it has been able to achieve a position at the interface of material science and NMR imaging.

The Darcy Lab offers unique MRI facilities specially equipped for researching the properties of technological porous materials.

Our infrastructure covers a wide range of length and time scale. The group owns one of the 2 GARFIELD set-ups in the world that is able to visualise processes with a resolution down to a micrometer scale. Moreover, the unique features have been recognised by industries, resulting in a steep increase in our industry-sponsored projects. With respect to the envisaged international research priorities in energy materials, TPM will be able to contribute essentially to fundamental understanding due to its high field facilities.



Check out all our courses

In practically all our research projects there are ample opportunities for Bachelor and Master projects.

Feel free to contact our secretary, Renée Teeuwsen to schedule an appointment to explore all the possibilities TPM has to offer.

T 040 247 46 99.



