Associate Professor

Astrid Kemperman

Department / Institute
Built Environment
Health in the Built Environment
EAISI Health


Astrid Kemperman is Associate Professor of Urban Planning & Quality of Life at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her area of expertise focuses on smart urban environments that promote healthy living and well-being. Her research involves integrating advanced ICT solutions in daily activity patterns to address societal challenges such as physical inactivity, social isolation, and loneliness. She extends the state-of-the-art in modeling and measuring people’s preferences and needs to optimize the integration of technological devices, systems and living environments. This integration supports active, healthier and more livable communities for residents and visitors.

Her fundamental research is supported by European and national grants. Applied research is supported through cooperative grants with policy makers and industry partners. Examples of her research include the C-Space project on the development of a smart tourist recommender system. The SOULMATE project that aims to secure old people’s ultimate lifestyle mobility by offering augmented reality training experiences; and the GOAL project with a focus on gamification to achieve overweight prevention and active lifestyle.

Dr Kemperman is an associate editor of Annals of Tourism Research and serves as a Curator for the Annals Curated Collection: Discrete Choice Experiments in Tourism. She is also an editorial board member of the European Journal of Tourism Research and Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights, and has acted as a reviewer for many other journals. She has published widely in international peer-reviewed journals (>60 scientific publications and >100 conference papers). In addition, she is a regular visiting research fellow at the University of Queensland Business School in Australia, where she collaborates on research on livable and sustainable tourism environments.

Bridging the digital and built environment to enable a better quality of life for all citizens.


Astrid Kemperman obtained her PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology in 2000. She was an assistant professor at the Urban Planning Group until 2014, when she was promoted to associate professor. She teaches courses on urban planning and methodology at the bachelor and master level. In 2015 she has developed a new course ‘Smart urban environments’ and the project ‘Big data and experiments for urban analysis’ that she still teaches. Astrid regularly supervises PhDs & PDEngs in the research domain of smart healthy living.

Astrid has been actively involved in administration as a member and chair of a variety of committees at departmental and university level. Currently, she is Scientific Director of the Engineering Doctorate (EngD) program Smart Buildings & Cities. Dr Kemperman is also a member of the independent retail advice committee for the Province of Noord-Brabant.