Assistant Professor

Baris Ozkan

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences
EAISI Mobility
EAISI Health


Baris Ozkan works as an Assistant Professor at  Eindhoven University of Technology, in the Department of  Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS), subgroup Information Systems. His research interests center around Service Systems Engineering with a specific focus on the development of value co-creative methods and tools for the design and configuration of business processes, business services, business models and digital platforms. He has a background in business process management, requirements engineering, process maturity assessment, and quantitative software management. In his research, Baris adopts a design science research approach, draws on the theories of the social and management sciences to identify design requirements, and employs quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods including Bayesian inference and Grounded Theory. The current research projects are related to the mobility service ecosystem development.

In a digitally connected world, rather than within the confines of an organization, value is co-created in dynamic networks of actors through complex exchanges. This calls for value-driven, multi-actor methods and tools for business process and information systems design.


Baris Ozkan received his PhD in Information Systems (2012) from Middle East Technical University (METU), where he also received an MSc in Software Management (2006). Before joining TU/e, he worked as an Assistant Professor at Atılım University, Turkey. Between 2000 and 2008, he worked in the industry and took various roles in public and private Information Systems projects which range from technical software development to management consultancy for IT Governance framework implementations. Since 2019, he acts as the chair of IS Group Business Engineering research cluster. Baris serves as a reviewer for several international ISI journals including Information and Software Technology, Computers in Industry, Business Process Management and Journal of Systems and Software. He is a member of the program and review committees of international conferences including ICIS, ECIS, BPM and PRO-VE.

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