Associate Professor

Boris Skoric

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science
Applied Physics and Science Education


Boris Škorić is an Assistant Professor in the Security group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research interests include security with noisy data. This looks at security applications that use (inherently noisy) physical measurements as a source of randomness.This leads to an interesting mix of physics, information theory, coding theory and cryptography. The techniques developed in this field are useful in secure key storage, anti-counterfeiting, privacy-preserving biometric identification and authentication and true random number generation.  

The most powerful attack against forensic watermarks is the so-called collusion attack: multiple attackers collaborate to remove the watermark. Boris’ research also focuses on collusion-resistant watermarking codes. Another key area of interest is using quantum physics for security. Quantum physics has the interesting property that measurements typically destroy state information. These inherent confidentiality and tamper evidence properties allow one to design security protocols that would be impossible with classical physics.


Boris Škorić obtained his MSc Physics from the University of Amsterdam in 1995, with a thesis entitled ‘Infinite Symmetries in the Quantum Hall Effect’.In 1999, he obtained his PhD in Theoretical Physics with a thesis entitled ‘F-invariance and its application to the Quantum Hall Effect.’From 1999 to 2008, he worked as a senior research scientist with Philips Research. In 2008, he joined TU/e.