Assistant Professor (Part-time)

Carine Lallemand

Department / Institute
Industrial Design
EAISI Health


Carine Lallemand is Assistant Professor in the Systemic Change cluster at the Industrial Design department. She has a background in Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction, and Experience Design. Her research interests are mainly focused on the development, adaptation and validation of user experience design and evaluation methods. Carine is the author of a textbook on UX methods, currently used in more than 100 curriculums in 6 French-speaking countries.

Leading the Vitality Squad and the Vitality Studio, she also supervises projects on designerly ways to trigger behavior change for healthier lifestyles, with solutions contributing to both physical and mental vitality and healthy living. Relying on the aesthetics of interaction principles and the use of data as a creative material, these interactive artifacts support motivation and change. Particular application areas are office vitality, urban environments, exercising motivation, and personal health. To question the status quo, Carine enjoys exploring alternative ways of designing, for instance through critical and speculative design, the aesthetics of friction, or slow technology.  

She is also a passionate advocate for academia-industry relationships. As a former Vice-president of the French-speaking UXPA chapter in Europe, she co-founded the premier national conference on UX design in Paris (600 attendees/year since 2012) and has been actively involved in the organization of dozens of UX conferences and workshops. She is regularly invited to speak at practitioners’ events and achieves public outreach through interviews and podcasts. In 2018, she gave the opening keynote at the UXPA International conference, thus disseminating scientific research beyond the frontiers of academia.


Carine Lallemand holds a BSc in Psychology and MSc in Psychology, Ergonomics and Human-Computer Interaction from Université de Lorraine in France (2008). After graduating, she joined the industry where she led major projects in the fields Cognitive Ergonomics and Human Factors. From 2011 to 2015, Carine completed her PhD on the topic of experience design and evaluation methods.

Carine pursued her research work as a postdoctoral research associate in Luxembourg, where she also coordinated the design of the HCI group User Lab. In 2018, she joined TU/e as Assistant Professor in the Industrial Design department. She also holds a permanent position as Senior Research Associate at the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the University of Luxembourg.

Ancillary Activities

  • Primary position as senior research scientist, University of Luxembourg