Doctoral Candidate

Chathuranga Dalthota Gedara

Department / Institute
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
Inorganic Membranes and Membrane Reactors


Chathuranga Wickramasinghe Dalthota Gedara holds a MSc from University of Moratuwa (Sri Lanka). In his work at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Dalthota Gedara focuses on the areas of the development of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modelling tools (including 3D phenomenological models); development of new reactors for methane steam reforming; evaluation of catalysts in a pilot reformer. The CFD modeling has been carried out via a modular approach, in which same tool can be used for different configurations including different catalitic beds, different membranes and different boundary conditions. The CFD tool will be used to develop and optimize new reactor configurations for methane steam reforming.


Chathuranga Wickramasinghe Dalthota Gedara holds a BSc and MSc in Chemical & Process Engineering from University of Moratuwa (UoM) (Sri Lanka). His work at UoM focused on modeling and simulation of biomass thermochemical conversion. After that he joined Chemical & Process Engineering department of UoM as a lecturer, who teached modeling, simulating and controling. At that time his work was focused on non-linear process controling and bio-char production from municiple solid waste while collaberating with National Research Council (Sri Lanka) and National Engineering Research and Development Center (Sri Lanka). He has published several peer-reviewed publications as well as conference procedings.

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