Assistant Professor (Part-time)

Decebal Mocanu

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science


Decebal Mocanu is Associate Professor in Machine Learning within the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Luxembourg (UL); and Guest Faculty Member within the Data Mining group, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). 

Increases in data and computational power mean Artificial Intelligence (AI) has considerable societal impact. Although impactful, the AI theory is extremely far from creating true intelligence. Thus, the question is not what AI will do to humans, but how humans will improve AI and what they will do with it?


From 2020 until 2023, Decebal was Assistant Professor in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning within the DMB group, EEMCS faculty at the University of Twente. In the period 2017 - 2020, Decebal was Assistant Professor in Machine Learning within the Data Mining group, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e and a member of TU/e Young Academy of Engineering. Previously, he worked as a PhD candidate at TU/e and as a software developer in industry.

In 2017, Decebal received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence and Network Science from TU/e. During his doctoral studies and after that, Decebal undertook four research visits at the University of Pennsylvania (2014), Julius Maximilians University of Wurzburg (2015), the University of Texas at Austin (2016), and the University of Alberta (2022). Decebal holds a MSc in Artificial Intelligence from Maastricht University for which he received the "Best Master AI Thesis Award", and a BEng in Computer Science from the University Politehnica of Bucharest. 

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