Erik de Jong

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering


Erik de Jong is a part-time associate professor of Power Electronics Dominated (Smart) Grids with the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering. His main affiliation is with DNV GL (Arnhem, The Netherlands) where he is a principal researcher and manager of the Flex Power Grid Lab. He is a grid-connected power electronic specialist focusing on the impact of the wide spread integration of power electronics into power systems and how best to test equipment on system level to ensure safe and reliable power system operations.  

As part-time associate professor at the Technical University of Eindhoven, Electrical Energy Systems group, he directs research programs and guides PhD students in the field of power electronics dominated (smart) grids.  His research entails both modelling (using validated models) and laboratory testing (including power and control hardware-in-the-loop methods).

He is very active in publishing scientific research results in peer reviewed international conferences and journals. He is a senior member of the IEEE and board member of the IEEE BeNeLux chapter. He has also (co-)authored numerous papers.

With the proliferation of renewables, we embrace the future of ubiquitous power electronics within power systems. Now let’s work on understanding the risks and opportunities this brings to the power system and increase confidence in their widespread use.


Erik de Jong received a cum laude B.Ing. and a cum laude M.Ing. degree in electric and electronic engineering from the Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa in 2001 and 2003, respectively. He received a Ph.D. degree from Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in 2007. Since 2007, he has been with DNV GL/Energy (formerly KEMA), Arnhem, The Netherlands, as a technical professional, specializing and providing consultancy services in power electronics and its applications in utility grids. Since 2008, he is also with the Flex Power Grid Laboratory as general manager responsible for all operations regarding medium-voltage grid inverter research, testing and certification. In 2010 he received the prestigious Hidde Nijland award for his contributions in the field of testing utility-interactive power electronics. Since 2013, he is also senior researcher in the field of power electronics and power cybernetics with DNV GL’s Strategic Research and Innovation department. He serves as expert for the IEC, is industry member of the DERLab association and is the Dutch delegate for the Smart Grid International Research Facility Network (IEA-ISGAN-SIRFN) activities. In 2015, he was appointed part-time professor of Power Electronics Dominated (Smart) Grids at the TU/e department of Electrical Engineering (research group Electrical Energy Systems).

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