Full Professor

Evangelia Demerouti

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Evangelia Demerouti is a Full Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research focuses on the processes enabling performance, including the effects of work characteristics, individual job strategies (including job crafting and decision-making), occupational wellbeing, and work-life balance.


Evangelia Demerouti studied psychology at the University of Crete (Greece) and obtained her PhD in Work and Organizational Psychology (cum laude, 1999) from the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (Germany). Having worked as a post-doc researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen, Demerouti was assistant professor and associate professor at Utrecht University between 2002 and 2009. since 2015 she is Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

She has published over 200 national and international papers and book chapters, and is associate editor of Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Ancillary Activities

  • Distinguished Professor, University of Johannesburg
  • Lid Stichtingsbestuur van Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, Tilburg University
  • Associate Editor of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, American Psychological Association