Postgraduate Design Engineer

Georgia Skroumpelou

Department / Institute
Built Environment


Georgia Skroumpelou is an EngD candidate in the Unit of Structural Engineering and Design in the Department of the Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Skroumpelou focuses on the design of objects for additive manufacturing of functionally graded mortars.


Georgia Skroumpelou obtained her MSc in Structural Engineering from University of Thessaly (UTH), Greece in 2014. Skroumpelou then attended the MSc program of Structural Engineering (Cocnrete Structures) at TU Delft. Since 2016 she has been professionally involved in 3D Concrete Printing (3DCP) and Digital Construction in general. Skroumpelou worked at Cybe Construction as a Design-To-Print Engineer, working on computational design, structural analysis and material research in 3DCP until 2020. She then worked at White Lioness Technologies developing cloud based solutions and parametric models for companies in the construction field. In 2022 she joined the Digital Construction group of Witteveen+Bos focusing on 3DCP. Since January 2023, Skroumpelou is an EngD candidate at TU/e working on the design of 3DCP objects with functionally graded mortars within the 3DCP Group in the Department of Built Environment.

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