Oei is Part-time Professor in the Signal Processing Systems group, where he is chair of Fundamental Perinatology. His goal is to make pregnancy and delivery safer. Oeiinitiated several methods for pregnancy monitoring.  

He leads the fundamental perinatal care research group, which studies the care mother and child receive right after birth. He initiated and heads the Technological Research Group Perinatoloty (TOP) that studies the analysis and processing of maternal, fetal and neonatal signals under physiological and pathophysiological circumstances. His work in mathematical models to separate maternal and fetal signals in an ECG led to a computer simulation that has since been used to create a labor and delivery simulator for multidisciplinary team training sessions.  

Oei has worked as gynecologist at the Máxima Medical Center since 1996, where he is cofounder of the Woman Mother Child Center, the Obstetrics High Care Unit and the NICU.

Oei is part of the Impuls project with TU/e, Philips Healthcare and the Maxima Medical Center and of the National Obstetrics Consortium. He collaborates with universities in Uganda and China to provide simulation training and social-medical projects.  

He supervised over 20 PhD students and has written more than 180 peer-reviewed articles.

In maternity care, more use of technology can help make labor and delivery safer for mother and child while keeping it natural and unmedicalized as much as possible.”


GuidOei studied Medicine at Leiden University and was registered as gynecologist in 1995. In 1996, Oeidefended his PhD thesis at Leiden University. He started as gynecologist at the Máxima Medical Center (MMC) in 1996 and has worked there ever since. In 1997, he started the Obstetric High Care Unit at the MMC, which has now been copied by nine other care facilities. He also helped found the NICU at MMC and the Woman Mother Child Center. Since 2002, Oei is gynecology instructor at MMC. In 2003, he was appointed Part-time Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. In 2011, Oei became president of StichtingGynaecongres.

Recent Publications

Ancillary Activities

  • Gynaecoloog-perinatoloog, inhoudelijke samenwerkingsrelatie, Maatschap gynaecologie Maxima Medisch Centrum
  • Gynaecoloog-perinatoloog, klinisch onderzoek, begeleiding onderzoekers, voorzitter commissie onderzoek en innovatie, Maxima Medisch Centrum
  • Lid bestuur, College Perinatale Zorg
  • Lid bestuur, Netwerk Regionale Consortia Geboortezorg
  • Lid Raad van Toezicht, Stichting Perined
  • Scientific advisor, Nemo Healthcare B.V.