University Researcher

Hans van Dijk


Hans van Dijk is a Senior Researcher in the Signal Processing Systems group (Department of Electrical Engineering). He is heading the department of Clinical Physics at Kempenhaeghe, an institute for Epileptology and Sleep medicine, and holds a position as Senior Researcher at the University Hospital in Ulm.

Van Dijk has a long-standing interest and experience in biomedical engineering in the field of Clinical Neurophysiology. Electrophysiology has been the key method for the diagnoses of many neurological disorders. Electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG) and electrocardiography (ECG) are the most well known techniques that measure the electrical potentials produced by neurons and muscle cells. His research in Ulm focusses on application of High-Density EMG for facial and masticatory muscles. His research in epilepsy is focused on seizure detection using EEG and other techniques. He has a broad interest in techniques that enable recording of vital signs as well as alternative methods for the diagnoses of sleep disorders.

Clinical Physics provides a key role in the application and improvement of novel techniques in the diagnoses and monitoring of many neurological disorders such as epilepsy and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.”


Hans van Dijk holds a PhD (2010) from Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen. His thesis was on assessing the number of motor units using a novel high-density EMG technique in patients with ALS and HMSN 1a. Since 2010, he is a senior researcher at the University Hospital of Ulm, Germany. In 2012, he took up the position as head of the Clinical Physics department at Kempenhaeghe. Van Dijk joined Eindhoven University of Technology as Senior Researcher in 2016.

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