University Lecturer

Henk Ouwerkerk

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering
Group De Lange


2002- now:

founder and owner of the company Heat Power ( ), which develops the Rankine Compression gas turbine (RCG) together with the section Energy Technology (division TFE) prizewinning at Rabobank's "Herman Wijffels Innovation" competition (2003) supported by Incubator 3+ (2003-now) granted an "STW-valorisation grant" (2004) together with Eindhoven University ( H.C. de Lange) TU/e researcher (parttime) at the section Energy Technology (division TFE) paper for ISABE2005 accepted en presented (ref: ISABE-2005-1209): "Proof of principle of the Rankine Compression gas turbine"co-author: H.C. de Lange article for Applied Thermal Engineering accepted (2005): "Technical and economical feasibility of the Rankine Compression Gas turbine (RCG)" co-author: H.C. de Lange


2000-2002: MSc-thesis: technical feasibility of the Rankine Compression Gas turbine (RCG).

1994-2000: mechanical engineering at Eindhoven University (TU/e)

1992-1994: aeronautical engineering at Delft University

1986-1992: VWO at Lorentz Lyceum Eindhoven

Ancillary Activities

  • Ontwikkeling, realisatie en verkoop van Energiesystemen, stoom en gasturbine systemen, consultancy en onderzoek, prototyping energiesystemen, Heat Power B.V.
  • Soldaat - vrachtwagenchauffeur, Defensie - Koninklijke Landmacht - NATRES - Reservistenpool - Bevoorrading & transport commando