Assistant Professor

Jacques Resing

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science


Jacques is an assistant professor in the Stochastic Operations Research group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), where he began working in 1992. His research is in general focused on applied probability and in particular on queueing theory. Amongst others, he studied several polling systems, fluid queues and tandem queues. These models play an important role in the performance analysis, design and optimization of modern production, transportation and communication systems. sFor example, several of his recent research papers deal with the performance analysis of optical communication networks. Another area of Jacques' interest, both in his research and teaching activities, is Insurance Risk. He is active as teacher in courses of the coherent package Finance and Risk and several of his papers study the analysis of insurance risk models. Finally, in recent years he has also become interested in the optimization of condition-based maintenance models.

A nice feature of queueing theory is the fact that it has so many applications in different areas, leading to a continuous flow of new and challenging problems.


Jacques studied mathematics at the University of Utrecht from 1980 until 1986. His master thesis dealt with the analysis of a two-dimensional queueing system. From 1986 until 1990 he worked on his PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology, entitled Asymptotic Results in Feedback Systems. After finishing this thesis, he spent 16 months as a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) in Amsterdam, before moving to Eindhoven. Since then, he made extended visits to INRIA (Sophia Antipolis), Aalto University (Helsinki) and the Mittag-Leffler Institute (Stockholm) and shorter visits to the University of Athens and to LAAS (Toulouse). Jacques is currently member of the Editorial Board of Performance Evaluation and of the European Journal of Operational Research. He is also involved in many teaching activities, providing courses both for Mathematics students and for students from other departments such as Industrial and Electrical Engineering. For several years Jacques has also been active as Chairman of the Educational Committee Mathematics.