Associate Professor

Joep Frens

Department / Institute
Industrial Design
EAISI High Tech Systems


Joep Frens is assistant professor. He leads the Connecting Rich Interaction in Growing Systems (CRIGS) squad and is member of the Industrial Design (ID) Departmental Admissions board and the ID board of Examiners, as well as a reserve member of the TU/e Examination Appeals Board. Frens is interested in the research question ‘How can we design for rich interaction in growing systems?’, which he explores in a hands-on, making approach together with his students.

Frens is an accomplished designer and researcher whose work is internationally known and recognized.

Interacting with products usually means pressing buttons. A better way is rich interaction – starting with people’s skills and designing interfaces that unite form, interaction and function of the product.”


Joep Frens has a background in Industrial Design (MSc from TU Delft) and obtained his PhD in Interaction Design from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 2006. Frens held the prestigious invited position of Nierenberg Chair of Design at the Carnegie Mellon University School of Design, USA, from 2014 to 2015. He also co-edited a special issue on making for the IxD&A Journal.