Johan Hoefnagels is Associate Professor in the section Mechanics of Materials at the department Mechanical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research in the field of 'experimental micromechanics' focuses on unraveling the mechanics of a material system on the micronscale by integration of micro-mechanical testing with microscopic characterization and integration of experiments with numerical simulations. Topics of particular interest include delamination, ductile damage, size effects, flexible and stretchable electronics and MEMS.  

- Visit the Hoefnagels group webpage

- view here Johan's resume

A sustainable society requires durable materials and material systems, in which the damage and failure mechanisms that act at the microscale are understood and controlled.”


Johan Hoefnagels obtained his MSc and PhD in Applied Physics at TU/e, with a PhD thesis on advanced optical diagnostics of surface processes during thin film deposition. After his PhD he made a dramatic switch to become assistant professor in the field of ‘experimental micromechanics’ at the department of mechanical engineering, where he later became associate professor and head of his research group. He leads the ‘Multi-Scale lab’ dedicated to ‘integrated mechanical testing’, which is one of the 10 strategic labs of the TU/e.

Johan has (co-)authored >100 journal publications (of which ~50% as corresponding author) and >100 refereed proceedings/book contributions. At international conferences, has given >120 presentations, of which around a third on invitation, and organized over 10 symposia. He has over two years of international research experience, built up during international visits to, amongst others, IMEC (Leuven, Belgium), SUNY (Albany, USA), NIST (Gaithersburg, USA), CSM (Golden, USA), and Harvard University (Cambridge, USA). He is Editor-in-Chief of scientific Journal Strain (impact factor 2.2) and Dutch representative of the European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS).

- Visit the Hoefnagels group webpage

- view here Johan's resume