Assistant Professor

John Swagten


John Swagten is involved in bachelor and master design projects, from the first year Baustudio 1 and 2 and Architecture and the City workshop, to all second year design studio’s, the multi-disciplinary project and the bachelor final project and the master project m1/2.

As a coordinator of the second year projects and the bachelor final project he is developing education and responsible for the educational form and outcome of these projects.

Research on education as well as by education results in output on how to organize education forms as workshops as well as research on Housing projects of Bakema or Rietveld.


Graduated in 1988 as an architect at the TH Eindhoven he was already working/trainership on practices as Wiel Arets Office and Bruls Architects during his studies.

At the same time he enters successfully architectural competitions ( Prix de Rome 2 times final 8 plans, honorable mention competition Housing and the city Barcelona, exposed at berlin competition, finalist in Teylers museum competition).

Besides his own practice( several houses Eindhoven and Nuenen, public zone Traverse Helmond, office Den Bosch and TU/e Gaslab)  he worked at Hubert-Jan Henket architecten ( Singer Museum Laren, Teylers museum, Rijkswaterstaat building Maastricht) and at Marius van den Wildenberg architects ( bridges,aquaduct,tunnels,ecoducts in N470 road, housingblock Apeldoorn, Den Bosch and Breda). In his oeuvre there is a wide range of all scales from the smallest bike storage to a huge scale of artifact for a roadcomplex.

Working in practice and working with students is a thankful combination where he sees things growing.