Assistant Professor

Juliëtte van Duijnhoven

Department / Institute
Built Environment


Juliëtte van Duijnhoven is an assistant professor within the Building Lighting group embedded in the unit Building Physics and Services of the department of the Built Environment (TU/e). She brings in expertise on measuring and evalulating lighting conditions in and around the built environment. She works on developing and advancing methods to gather personal lighting conditions of individuals to further progress the insights on the effects of light on human health, performance, and wellbeing. Her main aim is to create sustainable lighting solutions in the built environment incorporating the individual differences in light exposure patterns. She mostly focuses on (home) office environments. Juliëtte is currently involved as mentor in the LIGHTCAP project ( and as WP2 leader in the DESL project ( 

Within the TU/e, Juliëtte is member of the Health in the Built Environment (HitBE) team as well as member of the Intelligent Lighting Institute (ILI). 

Outside the TU/e, Juliëtte chairs the core team indoor lighting at the Dutch association of light (NSVV). In addition, Juliëtte is active within the CIE ( as member of JTC18 (lighting ecudation) and JTC20 (wearable alpha-opic dosimetry). Furthermore, she is member of the executive committee of the European Lighting Expert Association (ELE-A). 


Juliëtte van Duijnhoven obtained her BSc degree in Building Engineering (TU/e) in 2012. In 2015, she obtained her MSc degree within the same department, specialized on building physics and services (Building Lighting - TU/e). Lastly, Juliëtte obtained her PhD degree cum laude in 2019 (TU/e).