Assistant Professor

Juseong Lee

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Juseong Lee is an Assistant Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He is a member of the Operations, Planning, Accounting, and Control (OPAC), the Department of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Science. His research focuses on integrating data-driven models and artificial intelligence into industrial processes. Specifically, he is developing predictive maintenance approaches for various engineering systems. He is also interested in applying new methodologies, such as digital twins, multi-objective optimization, and deep learning, for real decision-making in business. Juseong's research aims to improve the reliability, efficiency, and sustainability of Industry 4.0.


Juseong Lee received his PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology (2022). The title of his PhD dissertation is “Predictive Aircraft Maintenance: Integrating Remaining-Useful-Life Prognostics into Maintenance Optimization.” Dr. Lee received his MSc in Aerospace Engineering (2018) and BSc in Aerospace Engineering (2016) with Magna Cum Laude from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.