Doctoral Candidate

Krishna Dheeraj Kommuri


Krishna Dheeraj Kommuri is a doctoral candidate in the Dynamics and Control group of Department of Mechanical Engineering under Dr. Ir. Irene Kuling. He is interested in expanding human touch perception in virtual and teleoperation environments beyond force feedback. Currently, Krishna is investigating the potential of smart materials such as liquid crystal polymers for their ability to accommodate compliant and texture perception.


After receiving his bachelor’s degree in mechatronics engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology, India, Krishna pursued his master’s in mechanical engineering at TU Delft. For his master’s Krishna focused on integrating bio-inspired solution with compliant and precision design for a variety of applications with human machine interactions as a potential goal. For his master’s thesis, Krishna worked with Prof. Dr. Ir. Just L Herder, Dr. ir. Gerwin Smit and Milton E Aguirre, PhD, on design and quantifying the self-recovery time of a popper toy with an aim to extend the concept to self-recoverable mechanical metamaterial structures.

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