Assistant Professor

Leander van der Meij

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Leander van der Meij is an Assistant Professor in the Human Performance Management group (IE&IS, TU/e). His studies focus on how people experience their work, and he is mainly interested in how people cope with a high workload. Why do some people experience burnout, whereas others remain engaged and motivated? He has expertise in investigating the relationship between physiological indicators (e.g., hormones) and psychological indicators (e.g., burnout) during job-related stress. How can we improve employee health and work performance when using both physiological and psychological information?


Leander van der Meij is co-promotor of:
- Shi Chen
- Sophia Frick


We are better at predicting employee health when we combine both physiological and psychological information.”


Leander received his PhD in social neuroscience from the University of Valencia and University of Groningen in 2012. After his PhD he worked as a Post Doc and Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In 2016 he joined the Eindhoven University of Technology.