Assistant Professor

Lenneke Kuijer

Department / Institute
Industrial Design
EIRES Research


Lenneke Kuijer is Assistant Professor in the Future Everyday research cluster. Kuijer is a leading expert in practices-oriented design, a field within design and human-computer interaction research that draws on social practice theories. She is a multidisciplinary researcher who contributes both in social science and design research communities. Her main interests lie in the areas of social practice theory, research through design, domestic energy demand and the relation between designing computational artefacts and changes in everyday life.

I draw on social practice theory to help interaction designers understand and work with the impact of new interactive technologies on everyday life


Lenneke Kuijer obtained her BSc, MSc and PhD degree from the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of TU Delft. Her PhD, granted with distinction in 2014, explored the implications of social practice theory for sustainable design. After her PhD, Kuijer spent two years as a postdoc in the DEMAND Research Centre at the University of Sheffield in the UK. Here, she studied relations between infrastructures and practices through a historic case study on space heating in social housing. In parallel, a part-time postdoc position in Interactive Media Design at TU Delft kept her linked to her ‘home discipline’ of design research. She joined Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as Assistant Professor in 2016.