Associate Professor (Part-time)

Martin Bastiaans

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering


Martin Bastiaans is Associate Professor in the Signal Processing Systems group, retired as of 2012. He taught electrical circuit theory, signal theory, digital signal processing, and Fourier optics and holography. His research covers different aspects of the general field of signal and system theory, and includes a signal-theoretical approach of all kinds of problems that arise in Fourier optics, such as partial coherence, computer holography, optical signal and image processing, and optical computing. His main current research interest is in describing signals by means of a local frequency spectrum (for instance, the Wigner distribution function, the windowed Fourier transform, Gabor's signal expansion, etc).

Bastiaans has a long history serving as a member of the Electrical Engineering Research Committee, the Department Board and other departmental coordinator functions. Bastiaans also has a long history with IEEE, from a longstanding relationship with Eindhoven Student Branch, to a IEEE Region 8 Directorship in 2013-2014. He currently serves as IEEE Vice President of Member and Geographic Activities. Bastiaans is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America - "for pioneering contributions to the description of optical signals using local frequency spectrum concepts" - and a Fellow of the IEEE - "for contributions to signal processing for optical signals and systems."


Martin Bastiaans received his MSc in Electrical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in 1969 and his PhD in Technical Sciences in 1983. After his graduation in 1969, Bastiaans became Assistant Professor in the Signal Processing Systems group in the Department of Electrical Engineering at TU/e, and later Associate Professor. Bastiaans retired in 2012.

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