Associate Professor

Qingliang Yu

Department / Institute
Built Environment
EIRES Research


Qingliang Yu is full professor at Wuhan University and holds a part-time associate professor appointment at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research interests primarily concern cement-bound materials, from materials to structural behavior understanding, covering micro-, meso- and macro-level. His current research topics include functional building materials with air purifying, self-cleaning, or (ultra)high performance, concerning sustainability including alternative binders design like alkali-activated binder and application of industrial by-products or waste materials and durability under different exposure environment. His research follows the complete chain of knowledge from materials at molecular level to structural element, applying both experimental and modelling approaches. The current portfolio is well supported by his unique educational background from Civil Engineering to Materials Science.

Realizing a sustainable and durable built environment requires the proper understanding of materials properties to structural behavior, concerning ecology, economy and environment.”


Qingliang Yu studied Civil Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology, and earned his Bachelor’s degree in 2003 and Master’s degree in 2006. He obtained his PhD degree in 2012 at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He has been first an assistant professor and then associate professor at TU/e. Currently he is a full professor at Wuhan University and holds a part-time associate professor appointment at TU/e. He has authored 4 book chapters, 150 scientific journal papers and about 80 international conference papers. He serves as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Building Engineering, associate editor of Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, editorial board member of Construction and Building Materials, and editorial board member of Materials, and reviewer of over 30 leading journals and a number of research funding organizations. Further, he is a senior RILEM member and sits in the technical committees of CEC, CAM, ADC and ECS.