Full Professor

Regina Bernhaupt

Department / Institute
Industrial Design
EAISI High Tech Systems
EAISI Foundational


Regina Bernhaupt is Full Professor of Measuring and Analyzing Quality of Dynamic Real Life Systems. Making people's lives better by understanding how, when and why interactive systems fail is the driving force behind Bernhaupt’s research. Her focus is on how to evaluate technologies during all design and development phases – from idea generation to product deployment. In her work, she studies how to evaluate usability and user experience in various contexts, especially for entertainment oriented products and services.

Bernhaupt’s background is in artificial intelligence, computer science and psychology. She is an active member of the human-computer interaction community and has organized conferences and workshops. She has also worked in various EU-funded and national projects and with the interdisciplinary team at the ICT&S Center, giving her a deep experience with interdisciplinary work, within institutions as well as projects.

Her book on Games User Experience Evaluation (published with Springer) has become a classic for UX evaluation methods education. Her work on interaction concepts in industry has been awarded several red dot awards (over 12) including the Best of the Best for TICTACTILE in 2017.

In my research, I evaluate what people do when and why while interacting with a product or system. The goal: to make people happier when using that product or system!”


Regina Bernhaupt studied Psychology and Applied Informatics at the University of Salzburg, Austria, and received her PhD there in Summer 2002, on artificial time-coded neural networks. In 2009, she completed her habilitation qualifications at Université Paul Sabatier in Toulose, France. In 2007, she started as Invited Professor at the IRIT in Toulose and as User Experience Research Director at award-winning design firm Ruwido Austria. In 2017, she accepted a Full Professorship at Eindhoven University of Technology. She also still works as research director for Ruwido. Bernhaupt is currently acting as VP for Membership and Communication in the Executive Committee of SIGCHI and is founder for the ACM SIGCHI CHI PLAY Conference.