Associate Professor

Rik Eshuis

Department / Institute
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences


Rik Eshuis works as an Associate Professor of Intelligent Information Systems at  Eindhoven University of Technology, in the Department of  Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (IE&IS), subgroup Information Systems. His key areas of expertise include business process modeling, business process management and business information systems engineering. 

His main research interest is in improving data-driven business processes in which knowledge workers are involved. Such processes arise for instance in healthcare, technology development, configuration management, predictive maintenance etc. In his research and education, he focuses on intelligent, flexible process management for such knowledge-intensive business processes.

He is and has been involved in several national and EU research projects together with industry that focus on developing advanced, flexible business process support. Currently, he is involved in the Horizon 2020 iPSpine project to design and develop an open digital platform for managing medicinal product development processes from a regulatory point of view.

His research is embedded in the Process Engineering cluster of the Information Systems subgroup and is on the interface with the Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making (formerly known as Business Intelligence) cluster.


Rik Eshuis is co-promotor of:
- Zeynep Ozturk, MSc
- Simon Voorberg, MSc


Knowledge workers need to take interdependent, data-driven decisions in their daily work processes. To improve the efficiency and quality of their work, I develop concepts and techniques for intelligent process management.


Rik Eshuis received a PhD in Computer Science from the  University of Twente, where he also received an MSc in Computer Science, with distinction. He was a visiting scholar at IBM Watson Research Center, NY, and a visiting PostDoc at CRP Henri Tudor and LIASIT, Luxembourg.  He coordinated the TU/e IS research cluster on  Process Engineering (2019-2022). He has published over 80 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in the area of Information Systems. Rik Eshuis acts as regular reviewer for several international ISI journals, including ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,  Information and Software Technology, Software and Systems Modeling, and Information Systems. He is a member of the program committee for recent international conferences including BPM, CoopIS, ICSOC. He has served as Programme Chair of IEEE EDOC 2020 and IEEE ECOWS 2008, and as General Chair of IEEE ECOWS 2009. Next, he has organized several workshops on innovative topics in Business Process Management, such as data-centric BPM. 

He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM.

More information about Rik can be found in his CV