Associate Professor

Rob Bastiaans

Department / Institute
Mechanical Engineering
EAISI Foundational
EAISI High Tech Systems
EIRES Research


Rob Bastiaans is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). In this capacity, he is also Chairman of the Dutch Section of the Combustion Institute and Chairman of the workgroup on Fuel Flexibility and Emissions of ETN (European Turbine Network). His teaching at TU/e revolves around mechanical Engineering, modelling combustion and sustainable energy sources. 

Rob’s areas of expertise include fluid mechanics, modeling and simulation, computational fluid dynamics, numerical simulation, numerical modeling, numerical analysis and CFD simulation. Current research includes the performance of flamelet generated manifolds (FGM) in premixed turbulent cases, measuring burning velocities with the heat flux method and FGM and pre-assumed PDF's In LES of combustion. Upcoming projects will look at complicated diffusion and combustion design.

Coincidences are logical” - Johan Cruijf


Rob Bastiaans obtained his MSc with honours on aero-acoustics and received his PhD in the field of DNS and LES of transitional to turbulent buoyant convection flows including experiments. Later, he carried out research in experimental particle techniques, in which he developed new image analysis software for flow quantification. In addition to his work at TU/e, Bastiaans is a senior visiting professor at the Center for Turbulence Research (CTR)  at Stanford University.

 Rob was treasurer of both the Dutch section of the Combustion Institute and the Dutch section of the International Flame Research Foundation, IFRF (NVV). He has also been a team member of Micro Turbine Technology (MTT). In the past, he has worked on development of a compressible DNS/LES code including combustion.

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