Associate Professor

Stella Kapodistria

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science
EAISI High Tech Systems


Stella Kapodistria is associate professor in the section Stochastics of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Eindhoven University of Technology. 

Stella Kapodistria’s research focuses on the performance assessment of systems and networks under uncertainty and on Integrating learning with decision making. She creates algorithms that integrate real-time information and the optimisation of the performance of system / network. Algorithms that are scalable and can deal with complex systems and with large networks, whilst maintaining computational efficacy. She is publishing papers in flagship peer-reviewed journals and conferences. She has served on the editorial board of PEIS and as guest editor of ANOR. Stella has served on the TPC of Sigmetrics, Performance, APS, ICORES, and QTNA. She has been instrumental in obtaining the funding, coordinating, and in setting up the 4TU Resilience Engineering center. She has been awarded (co-PI) an NWA-ORC, an NWO Big Data, and a TKI WoZ grant.

Her approach to education can be summed up as ‘engaging students, ensuring they have a full grasp of theoretical material and its practical relevance, and making sure they understand how this is applied.”

Nowadays problems are vastly more complex than anything we have tackled in the past. Such problems cannot be solved by simply applying methods which at an earlier stage might have been sufficient. If we want to solve them, we must revolutionise our thinking, revolutionise our methods and become beacons of knowledge to the younger generations.”


Stella received her BSc (2003), MSc (2006, Hons.), and PhD (2009, summa cum laude) in Mathematics from the University of Athens. She worked as a lecturer (2009-11) at the University of the Aegean. In 2011, she moved to the Netherlands and worked as a Postdoc at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, TU/e. Following this appointment, she held an assistant professor at Groningen University (2013-14). She started on a tenurer track appintment in 2014  at TU/e, in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in the Stochastic Operations Research group. 

Ancillary Activities

  • Comittee Member, Innovation Committee Platform Wiskunde Nederland (IC PWN)