Associate Professor

Steven Houben

Department / Institute
Industrial Design


My work is in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Physical Computing at the intersection of Design, Engineering, and Computer Science. My research is on Tangible and Physical Computing that blends and integrates data, interactions, and interfaces into real-world applications on digital health, education, industry 4.0, and knowledge work. I currently work on (i) Collaborative augmented device ecologies: 'design for the future of work' where devices are merged into larger intelligent ecologies that support collaboration, nomadic work, and new emerging work practices; and (ii) Physicalizing human-data interaction: 'support from sensor to physicalization' and study new co-creation processes, concepts, interaction paradigms, and data embodiments for non-expert human-data/AI interaction.


I completed my Ph.D. in 2011-2014 at IT University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Prof. dr. Jakob E. Bardram. After my Ph.D., I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University College London (UCL) Interaction Centre (UCLIC) in the ICRI cities project with Intel Labs where I worked with Prof. dr. Yvonne Rogers. In 2016, I joined Lancaster University as a permanent Lecturer (UK Assistant Professor) in Interactive Systems. I moved to TU/e in 2021 as Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Design. I also hold a visiting faculty position at the School of Computing and Communications at Lancaster University