Full Professor (Part-time)

Steven Vos

Department / Institute
Industrial Design
EAISI Health


Steven Vos is professor (Chair Design and Analysis of Intelligent Systems for Vitality and Leisure Time Sports) at the Department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology. He is also head of research at the School of Sports Studies, Fontys University of Applied Sciences.  Vos is interested in designing tailored services and products to improve sports, physical activity and vitality, taking into account individual, social and environmental factors.

Vos has contributed to establish sports & vitality as one of the strategic research and design topics of the department, both in terms of internal profiling (through projects and the Roadmap Human Technology for Vital People) and external profiling (through co-authoring the Dutch national research agenda on sports & exercise, supporting the Vitality Academy, and setting up living labs).

Intelligent systems have the potential to contribute to the reduction of physical inactivity. However, this requires a distinctive approach and envisioning of societal and personal needs.”


Steven Vos holds a master’s degree in Social Psychology from KU Leuven, Belgium, and also completed his PhD research in Kinesiology and Sport Policy there over a decade later. He worked at KU Leuven in a variety of positions and spent several years as a research manager at the Accessibility Expertise Center in Belgium before joining Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Currently, he is still a research fellow at KU Leuven, while also holding a professorship at Fontys and a Full Professorship at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

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