Assistant Professor

Sven Schäge

Department / Institute
Mathematics and Computer Science



Sven's goal is to contribute to a better understanding of cryptographic protocols to obtain more solid theoretical foundations and better protocols with high efficiency and strong security guarantees. A special focus of his work is i) the development of strong cryptographic models for complex cryptographic tasks that involve interaction between several parties, and ii) constructions that efficiently achieve strong security guarantees in these models.

Technical Interest:

Sven is particularly interested in realistic notions of security and privacy and the technical consequences for efficient and provably secure instantiations that they imply. A topic that he particularly focuses on is tight cryptographic reductions. At the same time, he is interested in revealing (and formally proving) the inherent limitations of cryptographic tasks and ways to circumvent such barriers.


Sven's results rely on the provable security paradigm, a very rigorous method of arguing about a system's security guarantees. At the same time, he regularly uses complex theoretical techniques like meta-reductions to obtain impossibility results showing that no further improvement can be achieved. These results can then be used to argue that a given construction is optimal.

Link to Google Scholar Profile



Sven is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at TU/e. Before that, he held PostDoc positions in the cryptography groups of Eike Kiltz and Alexander May at Ruhr-University Bochum and Jens Groth at University College London.  In 2011, he finished his Ph.D. at Ruhr-University Bochum on secure digital signature schemes in the standard model.