Doctoral Candidate

Tim Slangen

Department / Institute
Electrical Engineering


Tim Slangen is a PhD-candidate with the department of Electrical Energy Systems. His research is focused on the large-scale effects of electric vehicle charging on the power quality in the medium- and low-voltage grids. The increasing share of electric vehicles and fast-chargers can result in so-called "Supraharmonic" disturbances (between 2 and 150 kHz), which potentially influence the grid and all devices connected to it. Supraharmonics are not completely covered in standardization and their large-scale impact is still unknown. His goal is to obtain more insight on the large-scale impact of electric vehicles and fast-chargers on the power quality of the grid.

This research is in cooperation with ElaadNL, the research- and innovation center for electric mobility, founded by the Dutch grid-operators.



Tim Slangen obtained both his BSc (2017) and MSc (2019) degrees in Electrical Engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology. His MSc graduation project was with the Electrical Energy Systems group and focussed on the effects of electric vehicle charging on the power quality. Especially supraharmonics were studied, resulting in his MSc thesis "The Propagation of High-frequency "Supraharmonic" disturbances through the Low-voltage Grid".

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