Before your arrival in Eindhoven or even before you accept a job at TU/e as an international employee, we want to provide you with important information to ensure a smooth transition. We'll cover what distinguishes our university and the Brainport region, what to expect leading up to your first day at TU/e, and how you can prepare for a possible move to the Eindhoven area.

Partner Career Support Program

TU/e offers a unique partner career support program in collaboration with Expat Spouses Initiative. What sets this program apart is our proactive approach. Do you have a partner who is considering moving to the Netherlands with you? We understand that their career opportunities probably play an important role in the decision to relocate. Therefore, even before you accept a position as an assistant, associate, or full professor at TU/e, we can assist your partner in their job search. Your partner will receive valuable insights into the local Dutch labor market and effective job search techniques. For more details, please visit the Partner Career Support Program on our website or contact the HR advisor of the department to which you're applying for a position.

If you are (considering) joining TU/e as a postdoc, PhD or EngD and are interested in partner support, we encourage you to contact Expat Spouses Initiative directly. Please use this online form to request assistance with your career paths in the Brainport region. ESI has several programs available to support you and your partner, depending on your needs.

In addition, TU/e offers the Get in Touch (GiT) program to all international spouses to build a new social network through weekly meet-ups and activities and to help them settle into their new residence.

New challenge accepted? Welcome!

We are delighted to have you join our vibrant community of learners, innovators, and problem solvers! Please follow the link below to go our general 'preboarding' page for all new TU/e employees. This page contains practical and interesting information leading up to your first day of work at TU/e. 

Staff Immigration Team

We understand that relocating to Eindhoven can involve a lot of paperwork and practicalities, especially as an international employee. That's why we have a dedicated support team, the Staff Immigration Team (SIT), to guide you through the process. Once you've accepted the job offer, our HR department will request your personal information and necessary documents for administrative purposes. Afterward, our Staff Immigration Team (SIT) will get in touch with you.


Eindhoven is a vibrant city with a significant and growing population of students and international residents. The housing market in the city is highly competitive, so securing suitable accommodation may take some time and perseverance. We strongly recommend that you begin your search as early as possible. Additionally, consider exploring housing options in the broader Eindhoven region, as it offers excellent living opportunities. The Netherlands also boasts efficient public transportation and well-maintained bike lanes.

Please note that the link below directs you to a general 'housing for internationals' page on our educational website. Scroll down on this page to find more detailed information about housing for employees. Furthermore, TU/e has a policy in place for reimbursing relocation and accommodation expenses. It is crucial to retain your invoices related to your move to the Netherlands for this purpose.

Explore working and living in the Brainport region

Over 40,000 internationals live and work in the Eindhoven region. That is why Eindhoven pays a lot of attention to making sure the region is attractive to international talents and their families. 

Education and childcare

If you have children moving with you to the Netherlands, you obviously want to find the best child care or school in or around Eindhoven. Children in the Netherlands begin elementary school as soon as they turn four years old. The Dutch education system has a number of different types of schools and also a number of different educational pathways and options. The links below are intended to guide you through the Dutch child care and education system and to point out sources where you can find additional information. Finally, we recommend that you start looking and contacting childcare centers (daycare + out-of-school care) on time. There may be waiting lists.

To make sure you feel at home as quickly as possible, we will do everything we can to smoothly guide you in your move to Eindhoven. Follow the buttons for more support for international employees.