Exchange students

Eindhoven University of Technology offers students from selected institutions the opportunity to study at one of the TU/e departments as an exchange student. The status of exchange student is a special category granted to students who participate in: 

  • European Educational programs including Erasmus 
  • Exchange programs agreed by a TU/e Department with selected institution 
  • Specific exchange programs agreed between the student's home country and the Netherlands. 

An exchange student remains enrolled at their home institution and spends between one semester and one academic year pursuing their studies at TU/e. The exchange period at TU/e may be free of charge, depending on agreements made in the specific exchange program. Students may choose to follow courses, write their thesis or conduct a research project or internship. This depends on agreements made with the TU/e department.  

Exchange students can transfer the credits they obtain at TU/e to their own degree through the European Credit Transfer System on the basis of a prior agreement (to be signed by the student, TU/e and the home institution) on the content of the TU/e study program.

Interesting links

Erasmus+ is the European Union’s program to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It offers people of all ages the possibility to gain knowledge and experience at home and abroad. Erasmus+ places a strong focus on social inclusionsustainability, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. Erasmus+ provides grants for international student and staff exchange, and for educational projects with partner institutions.

The Erasmus+ Key actions are:

  • learning mobility of individuals, Key Action 1 (KA1)
  • cooperation among organizations and institutions, Key Action 2 (KA2)
  • support to policy development and cooperation, Key Action 3 (KA3).

General information can be found on the Erasmus websites of

For information about the related Bologna Process visit

ERASMUS 2021-2027

Eindhoven University of Technology is proud to have been granted participation rights within the Erasmus program 2021-2027. The new Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, ECHE, sets out a number of principles which participating organizations agree to uphold in operating the program. The application for the ECHE required Eindhoven University of Technology to be clear as to its support for the objectives of Erasmus (tied to the EU Commission’s renewed agenda for higher education) as an integral part of its strategy through the composition of an Erasmus Policy Statement. For further information regarding Eindhoven University of Technology’s Erasmus activities and the Erasmus program 2021-2027, contact

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.