Immigration, bank account and insurance

Most students with a non-EU nationality who want to stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days need an entry visa (MVV) and/or residence permit (VVR). Your nationality determines the immigration arrangements you need to take before coming to study at TU/e. To check if you need a visa and/or residence permit, you should check the Nuffic website. Please be advised that a visa and a residence permit are not the same.

You will not have to arrange your immigration on your own, the university will apply for your visa and/or residence permit on your behalf. This procedure takes approximately 4 weeks. If, in addition to a residence permit, you also need a visa (which needs to be collected from the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country), you will need to add another 2 weeks, depending on the availability of the Dutch representation. You will receive more information about the documents needed for the procedure in the ‘confirmation statement’ which every admitted student will receive at the beginning of May. For an overview of the visa and residence permit procedure, click on the link in the lefthand menu.

Tuberculosis (TB) test

Some non-EU/EEA students are required to take a tuberculosis test as part of their residence permit formalities. If this applies to you, you will be asked to undergo a TBC X-ray at the Municipal Health Service (in Dutch GGD) shortly after your arrival in the Netherlands. The International Office will arrange an appointment for you with the GGD. You can use this list of nationalities to find out if you are required to undergo a TB test after arrival.


Students from the European Economic Area (EEA)

If you are from the EU/EEA or Switzerland you are free to work without restrictions. You do not need a work permit and there are no restrictions regarding working hours, other than the restrictions and rules stipulated by Dutch law in the Working Hours Act (ATW).

Why open a Dutch bank account

We advise you to open a Dutch bank account in the Netherlands for several reasons:

  • Having a Dutch bank account (which includes the possibility of internet banking) enables you to manage transactions online to easily pay for your accommodation, insurance, telephone and other bills using internet banking. And in the Netherlands, the iDeal payment system allows you to easily purchase goods online and to make small payments quickly in canteens, vending machines and printing facilities (on campus and outside) 
  • For students from outside Europe the remainder of the guarantee fee payment and the proof of living expenses can only be refunded to your Dutch bank account.
  • You can easily deposit and receive money from your home country.

Registering at city hall

All international students who are staying in Eindhoven for more than four months must register at city hall


Since sufficient health and liability insurance are mandatory in the Netherlands, it is important that you arrange insurance either before you leave your country or immediately after arrival in the Netherlands.  

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