The EAISI FAST Lab is a collaboration between Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Lely, Rademaker, Diversey, ExRobotics and Vanderlande. The industrial partners share a common R&D demand in that they want their mobile robot systems to operate safely whilst performantly in environments that are subject to static and dynamic changes. Tasks, environments and variations that we know in beforehand although never know in which order or configuration will manifest; it demands a more scalable, non-conservative and explainable solution to cope with these changes in an explicit way.

Creating system engineered solutions

The FAST Lab has been setup in 2018 under the provision of a mutual technology demand by industry that was matched with the TU/e expertise by the TU/e High Tech Systems Center (part of Eindhoven AI systems Institute), and will run until the end of 2021. It is expected to be extended for another 4 years with the current partners.

It falls under the basic consideration that a cooperation and collaboration with shared investment of resources is beneficial for all parties involved. The current collaboration scheme also allows for other interest partners to join the FAST Lab.

The Lab comprises expertise from different fields of expertise, in creating system engineered solutions to cope with the complex challenge at hand. Henceforth, this Lab comprises a team of experts from Human Technology Interaction (HTI), Software System Design (SSD), Perception Systems (PS) and Control Systems Technology (CST) that closely work together.

ICAI is a Dutch network aimed at technology and talent development between knowledge institutes, industry, and government in the area of artificial intelligence. 

Research Topics

Research Topics

  1. Task-driven configurable SLAM
  2. Data association and object tracking
  3. Reliable, scalable, maintainable software architectures for autonomous mobile platforms
  4. Smart Person AGV interactions

The scientific Directors are dr. ir. René van de Molengraft and prof. dr. ir. Herman Bruyninckx. René van de Molengraft is associate professor in robotics and control systems technology at Eindhoven University of Technology. Herman Bruyninckx is professor in robotics, automation and mechatronics at Eindhoven University of Technology and KU Leuven.

Our team
